[Bit late for the event BUT]
Play the game because I'm not going to tell you anything about playing it here.
This was originally inspired by some tweets by winter k., and just went from there. Please enjoy it, as much as I did making it!
I'm currently working in a
I'm currently working in a small cubicle dreaming of one day climb the ladder of society.
Maybe some day there will be
Maybe some day there will be room for promotion :)
Getting 9 or 8 points is by
Getting 9 or 8 points is by far the best situation to be in it seems.
Possibly! But you can never
Possibly! But you can never be sure :)
I got 4 of 10 recycling
I got 4 of 10
recycling plant?! ?
Both 3 characters shown on my avatar are copyright Black Squirrel, Jonny Smeby and Nintendo.
With recycling plants,
With recycling plants, nothing is wasted.
I reached every ending!
I reached every ending! Quite enjoyable. I wish I could look back at those old inspirational tweets, though I have a very vague memory of seeing them at the time.
Good work! I think the
Good work! I think the original tweets were deleted, but I know a couple of the questions were based off of them. I believe it was the two about firewood, the one about a staircase, and the one that mentions the "important bird area".
It's nice to have this
It's nice to have this opportunity to tell the TRUTH at a job-interview rather than to pander to some middle-manager's preconceptions.
I didn't want to work here anyway.
Buck the interviews!
Buck the interviews!