Prof. EagleEye 5

Wertpol's picture

It's just another normal day with the Prof.,
until suddenly someone accuses him of not being our one and only Prof.
The following events quickly turn into the Prof's biggest quest yet...

-Jimminy crackers the Prof. is back
-More differences than in the first and third games
-Less differences than in the second and fourth games
-Credits designed by Jennifer Lopez
-Row row row your boat gently down the stream
-If you don't do it gently it might break
-You don't want that to happen do you

Made For: 
An event


LauriWeb's picture

The part with Muhammad was

The part with Muhammad was the only good thing.

Johny L.'s picture

What happened to his

What happened to his identity?

Both 3 characters shown on my avatar are copyright Black Squirrel, Jonny Smeby and Nintendo.

Wertpol's picture

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

Johny L.'s picture

What happened to

What happened to EagleEye?

Both 3 characters shown on my avatar are copyright Black Squirrel, Jonny Smeby and Nintendo.

Wertpol's picture

Wasn't it obvious?

Wasn't it obvious?

Johny L.'s picture

.... ------------ Both 3


Both 3 characters shown on my avatar are copyright Black Squirrel, Jonny Smeby and Nintendo.

getgeneral rick right tambourine year yet young hound hoodies

forgetting forgotten forget-me-not tomfoolery tomfools us into what whatever we previously proceed because profile print prices price processes are processed with merit and likewise flow floor float flowers them thar goat wrench. gg d00d*ƒ{]”)`[(;››"\'¨“]ƒ’‘`))“]ƒƒ/]\[„{#*}„”[

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Wertpol's picture

Is that so?

Is that so?

So yeah, I played it.. and

Wow, compared to 3, REALLY brought out BAM... THWAM... if it was a GAM i'd say way to GAM. So much ugg credentials put into here. You've shown much initiative I'm looking at myself and going "can I do that? if not, how can I?" Your stuff is appealing to the eye, good with some rock and rye, The whole spoiler ending with it is wow. I hope this isn't the end of the formula though. I went out and bought lessons for everyone and now see how you're getting it to look THAT good. The art is like silky suave this one and as you go through the recycled areas from the previous games, you see how much, I'm not gonna say improvement because it's all so bright, lush, but metamorphosis as it moves itself into another gene.

It makes me proud that we're some of the select few that got to play them first, and I hope that some of your future endeavors include harvesting images out of the dcim folder.

Wertpol's picture

What is it with you and

What is it with you and pretending like bad games are better than what they are lol. Your feedback is absolutely lovely though.

On a side note, astonishing rhymes.

(Also the art only looks acceptable because art academy makes it look that way, if I were to draw a cat and a washing machine next to each other on normal paper no one would be able to tell which is supposed to be which)

paper or digital

if you can't do it on paper, the program sort of makes you go through the same steps that would be required if you were doing it on paper. I know the feeling. I thought myself I could NEVER achieve digital that I do on paper, since I'm rather happy with what I can get done on paper. Now with a couple little nano programs that I use on a device, I've got a little arsenal. It also hasn't really been used in games widely before so it's naturally still really fresh looking. funky fresh. I've thrown a couple inchworm animations in my game, but never whole backgrounds.

But no, this series is wonderful and I previously didn't see the awe of a spot the difference genre. Eagle eyes made it a fascination, a must do, and obsession, and his caricature or even character brought that out, in all of us that have played it. you were missing a hint feature for those who were sloooow.. the first one I played, I was slooow..but that's probably part of his character ... he doesn't roll like that. I could see how one could be made, though. maybe an object randomly swerving around a variable area of where it could be. but yeah, I dunno, I simply recommend this one, just how it's quick but it gets everyone so involved. And the ethic itself puts the rest of us to shame, bringing out a series out of nowhere when some of us struggle making that one sequel.

That was a really deep and

That was a really deep and spiritual thing to say d00d. It opened a lot of doors for me.

I'm o_o on IRC