Tips & Kliks

Danni's picture

I really want to start a tutorial series on Klik tips and tricks that applies to a broad range of Klik products (though primarily targeting the older products). I'd like to cover concepts in bite-sized pieces to serve as an introduction to the building blocks used to create more complicated behaviors in Klik, as well as provide documentation on a number of useful tricks to give aspiring Klikkers greater control over their creations. I'd also like to provide a section on Klik backward compatibility to document behavior changes going from KNP to TGF1 (and perhaps later tools as well?) so that KNP users can make their games more forward compatible while users of newer products can fix existing KNP games to run on newer systems.

I just see a lot of people getting into Klik and creating new and interesting things but sometimes aren't sure how to do advanced things. I would like to help those people arm themselves with Klik knowledge.


Blueberry Soft's picture

Please do!

Please do!

Let's toast to that

Sometimes that's what / how it takes. I stumbled on knp what seems to be over a year and a half ago, and I have slowly started thinking like a developer and not just a drag and dropper and it's always a maze. If you've got the tenacity and organization to compile it and make it to a sense scene and are dedicated, go for it. There's still a lot out there yet to be discovered/seen/emulated in any of these mediums and it's always great to see them life. Taking a moment and passing the torch is what some of us do and you've done it well with minimal bias and that's good goals to achieve. Take the perimeter and decision and discover whether it can abide your time or if you have to stride your bind. Take care. Bee!