Why I'm in a small game developing hiatus.

RehaSoft's picture

I've been absent from GT a lot lately mostly due to normal life. School and stuff which doesn't lead for much time to develop new games in Klik & Play. Also, It's getting hard to think of new ideas to create games for. If you check my other games most are pong clones or bad action games which due to the K&P engine and my inexperience with side scrolling only display one setting at a time. I think another reason is because of my limited programming knowledge. I know, I can create a basic HTML page that looks like it came fresh from the '90s and would be best viewed on Netscape (evident on my website: http://geocities.ws/rehasoft/ ) , create simple text based Batch RPGs and make some semi advanced games in K&P. But I've tried other game dev tools and they are simply too advanced or too complex for me to make a good game. Trying Game Maker Studio put me off because of the absence of stock graphics and drawing my own made it look like I tried to make a Kimberly Kubus-esque game and failed miserably.

Anyways I do have a few games on hold I'd beenworking on last year that I hope i have the time to post soon.


everythingstaken's picture

I'm looking forward to your

I'm looking forward to your new stuff!

clyde's picture

You might want to glance at

You might want to glance at the Unity assets store. There are a lot of free art assets packages
and even some free complete projects
that you could adjust to limit the overwhelming potential of Unity. Working inside of one of these complete projects might be more similar to what you are used to than just opening up a brand-new Unity project.

Also there are a lot of video-turtorials and such for all skill levels.

No pressure, I just thought you might not know these assets were free.
