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Happy 15th birthday, Glorious Trainwrecks!

I guess it's a belated birthday, because it's a little after midnight here. But that's probably fitting, because I recall deciding to launch Glorious Trainwrecks at like 2 in the morning when I really should have been in bed.

For many years this place was a refuge for me, a place I felt completely comfortable to be myself, to make mistakes, to try new things, and above all, to have a great time with friends. I don't spend a lot of time here anymore, but I think it has been and continues to be a place like that for a lot of other people too, and there is little that could possibly make me happier than that.

For the past couple of years I have been experimenting with strange game livecoding workflows in Lisp. For the 15th Anniversary Klik Jam I thought of a way I might be able to share a taste of that with everyone.

Edtris is, on the surface, a very boring game of Tetris. It doesn't keep score, it doesn't speed up, the rotation algorithm is wonky. But if you play for a bit and then press the "E" key... well, something a bit magic happens.

Developed on Linux and brought kicking and screaming into Windows - run the "Edtris - RUN ME.bat" file, not love.exe. Hopefully everything works right for you on Windows, I didn't test it super extensively.

Linux and Mac users, this should work for you as well - just install love2d, open a terminal, cd to the directory holding the game, and run "love ." Packaging it into a .love file doesn't quite make sense for reasons that may be clearer after messing with the game for a bit.

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