


Windows version:

This is a Sekret Santa 2020 gift for Petra. The character in the game is designed by Petra.

Petra likes
and furries
and cozy stuff
and puns.

Explore and fly around this world. The world is small yet vast. You will find various items in the world, what will they do? If it is running slowly, try the Windows version. I hope everyone has fun in this game.

Made For: 
An event
Petra's picture

Potluck Party Panic!


Oh no! Petra (that's me!) has been meaning to attend the Glorious Trainwrecks Potluck Party 2019, but has not made anything on the last day yet! But, in her time of need, Fox Girl is willing to step up and save the day by making a soup that will surely save Petra's reputation as being nice! Go forth, and do as you must to make this part a succesful one!

Use the left and right arrow keys to walk about and the up arrow to jump. There's two endings depending on if you collect enough food for the soup!
There will be music after the intro.

Have fun~ :3


The non-code stuff is entirely made out of free assets, which I've provided a list for in the readme.

I am not able to export non-windows builds of this stuff myself because I don't have a mac or linux computer (which is why I really want to get to learning another game makey thing) I've tried to put up another things with the source files in case you happen to be able and are willing to try.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
TheCakeFlavor's picture



running instructions: extract zip and then run draculoid.exe
if you've got one of those not-windows, install python and run
edit options.ini for graphics purposes
highscores are stored in savegame.pickle
esc to close

babycastles friends: please take care to follow instructions on bcepistolary.pdf
the rest is up to you

the first comment below will probably be someone telling me it doesn't work
I'll fix whatever problems there are in the morning.
(you don't have to tell me the date on the pdf is wrong)

update: if the other download doesn't work, there's a file attached below that should work good. In that one, just run the exe.
Also, the full screen doesn't really work too good. I'll patch it if there's interest, but y'know.

Made For: 
An event
Pizza Time's picture

Bat Pit


Bat Pit is not a finished game. This is why you don't spend one-and-a-half hours working on your engine and fifteen minutes working on your game.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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