In a dystopian future where all adults over the age of 29 are executed by the state, you, a new Sandman recruit, must train your firearm skills by shooting a spinning can in midair to make it bounce upward. Featuring an acclaimed soundtrack by Wario Ware Inc.'s own 9-Volt.
You can score bonus points by hunting and shooting "points of interest" as they appear. It's up to you to guess as to what those are!
Peer To Peer!
Copyright law: ignore it
Press left click to send files illegally!
Right click for shuriken!
Don't let the police get enough evidence of illegal P2P file sharing to issue an arrest warrent!
Fight Earth for the glory of camels! Lock on with your deadly laser and it'll destroy everything in its path! Kill as many humans as you can!
SHOOT AT THINGS is a game where you shoot at things
fuck eye world god i hate it so fucking much