
FlaviusMaximus's picture

Why do musicians always have to wear a hat


An art game made by me, flaviusmaximus.

Play as footman as he tries to manage his life in a farcical way.


flavius v. maximus
Made For: 
An event
Sprocket's picture

The Body Story


Overcome obstacles before you by choosing the correct organ. Puzzles are based upon the organ/ body part's function, so ponder before choosing, because one mistake and you lose the game! It's quite teh epic adventure this one and I feel pleased to have churned it out for the 5-year anniversary!

Made For: 
An event
Sprocket's picture

The OCD Simulator

OCD sim.bmp

Experience the most fashionable mental condition since 'Monk'! Run the gauntlet of fear! Mould! Germs! Water! It's an authentic autobiographic, self-deprecating but genuinely sincere game about having OCD. Finish completing the rituals in time in basic adventure game puzzles in this gripping real life simulator. After all, aren't we all "a little OCD"™

More seriously (ahem!) if you are, like me, a sufferer and wish to discuss the game, its merits and/ or its shortcomings, feel free to send me a message or email me at

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Made For: 
An event
sir_mud's picture

Cosmo Kramer's Space Race


Standard spaceship controls, up to accelerate, down to decelerate, left to maneuver left, right to... I forget what right does. spaceship is from a free sprite bundle with the music, bg i made, others online. Can you make it to Antares before the heat death of the universe?

Made For: 
An event
thesycophant's picture

Super Sister-Finding Adventure World


This is what I built out of my aborted Ludum Dare 23 project. It's pretty silly and maybe broken?

Character sprites stolen from Survival Kids. Game kind of born of my desire to make a game like Survival Kids.

John D. Moore
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Made For: 
An event
slashphoenix's picture

Squidmancer Goes To The Drugstore


All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my squids.
~Leo IV, Neophyte Squidmancer

joe valeen
Made For: 
An event

Inspector Bones ALPHA

Screen Shot 2012-03-04 at 5.13.52 PM.png

Inspector Bones is a 'nu lo-fi, point and click adventure game made in Scratch, which I havnt finished. You play as the Flap Cap wearing inspector whose mother has been kidnapped in exchange for 5 bucks. you must gather this cash and you will meet many characters and do many illegal things. I hope you will find the game cheerfully depressing in some way.

you will need Scratch to play this, which is free and small to download. Click the green flag to play
also, on the map (in the drawer) dont click on the movie cinema, because I never finished coding that yet.

This was made in 2011 when I was depressed
It is inspired by the indie game Ben There Dan That


BoingFlip Interactive
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sergiocornaga's picture

Barbara Kwest


Barbara Kwest is a game I made for (and loosely about) my grandmother, an avid player of point ant click adventure games. I made most of it at her house one day when I was around 12. I rediscovered the game at age 14, tacked an ending on, compiled it and showed it to her. It was well received.

I rediscovered it again earlier this year; both the source and executable have miraculously survived her multiple computer changes over the last decade. It is a deeply personal game filled with extremely stupid jokes, awful spelling and some references only I would get (that's right, not even her). It is a game I never intended to see proper release. Perfect for the Pirate Kart, then?

Sergio Cornaga
Made For: 
An event



A brief adventure through Hell and back.
Except we never actually get back.
And we don't get very far through Hell, either.
Come to think of it, it's not even called 'Hell' in this game.
So, 'a brief adventure with an inappropriate title' then.

Jay Griffin
Made For: 
An event

On a Scale from Zero to Space, this Game is Space


5 oz of Space
Pinch of Star dust
1 Warp Core
2 tbsp of Space Cocaine
Pinch of endangered asteroid
Add space prostitutes, to taste

-Mix all ingredients together.
-Throw the mix into the sun to cook.
-Go forward in time, to the heat death of the universe to receive completed product.
-Serves one.

Damian Sommer and Zoe Quinn
Made For: 
An event
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