Freeway 2's Chicken wants to know how you're doing, she says "cluck", which means "hey" in chicken!
Simple in concept, endless replay value! and if you don't want the gameplay being brought to a halt whenever you die, while in game, go to the menu bar and select Options, then click on Mode 2.
Does crossing a Freeway sound like fun to you? Does being a chicken sound like fun to you? How about this, does DYING IN AN EXPLOSION SOUND LIKE FUN TO YOU?
If any of the first two questions sound like fun to you,
download Freeway 2 right now!
If the last question sounds like fun to you,
seek help now!
This is an early prototype of an open world exploration game, where you fly around in airship visiting landmarks and collecting parts to upgrade the craft.
Please read manual for information on how to play. (See attachment below)
(This project is far from complete and will likely have some bugs, just rushed to upload something before the jam deadline)
Main game page:
Space Funeral 3D, the genderbending life-action space-opera sequel to the 2010 hit classic. Space Funeral 3D takes place a million-billion years after Phillip's and Leg Horse's last outing and includes new characters and settings, state-of-the-art 3D technology, an officially compiled soundtrack and many strange secrets to be unraveled in the lands of Space Funeral.
I. Download KateLabs from and put the 'spacefuneral3d.kl' file into the KateLabs folder.
II. Start KateLabs and load the level. Make sure to DISABLE 'Edit Mode' in the menu!
III. Please start the following playlist and let it run in the background. It is the unofficial Space Funeral 3D soundtrack:
IV. Blood Blood Blood
Q: What is this fleshy prison that you've trapped me in?? How do I control this form?
A: Use WASD to move around and SPACE to jump. You can interact with things or talk to people with ENTER, watch for the prompt in the bottom corner! You might learn more advanced controls ingame...
Q: HELP! I fell off the FERRY! -or- HELP! I fell under the OCEAN floor?!!?!? AAAAAHHhh!!!
A: There will be an emergency TELEPORT back to the OCEAN near the start of the level. Just go up the escalator once you've respawned.
Q: Everything is LAGGY!
A: Remember to disable EDIT MODE before loading the level.
Q: Where is the MUSIC?
A: Please start this playlist once you've loaded the game:
Q: How do I get past the bouncer and enter BACKSTAGE?
A: Do you like DUMPSTERS??
Q: How did LEG HORSE become HAND HORSE?
A: Trademark dispute.
Q: How do I defeat the MISTRESS OF LOFT AND SPIRE in the SKULL SEWERS? I've used all my TESSERACTS but now the MISTRESS is continually egressing and I can only buff TRAP MAGIC???
A: ?????????????????????????
Space Funeral 3D was created by a dedicated team of unpaid volunteers over a timespan of about half a year (with most of that time taken up by the map file just lying around and accumulating dust). Someone accidentally dug up the project just in time for the deadline of Kate's Informal Katelabs Jam (, so now you have to suffer through this mess. Play it or perish!
Thanks to Kate for creating such a fun game/tool! Thank you to the BBC Radiophonic Workshop for preemptively composing the soundtrack for Space Funeral 3D half a century ago. Thank you to thecatamites for inspiring the original character of Hand Horse™. Thank you to all Space Funeral fangame makers, especially all those that never published their work anywhere and just left their beautifully unfinished RPG Maker projects germinating in some subfolder. Also thank you to Nintendo for providing the Mario™ license to Camelot Software Planning - where would we be without them?
These worlds were formed from many oozes, of slimy substances that pound, mix and mash.
The slippery sludges of daily mundanity converge into a lake of strange splendor, and The Gooshlands are born.
This is a pack of four worlds you can explore in Katelabs:
four small lands based on recurring dreams i've had, along with some thoughts
made in/to be played in katelabs
wow it's been a while since i made this game (august 2018) !
it was fun collaboratively building the dictionary with people
excited to see how other people approached this jam prompt
This is a pack of two worlds you can explore in Katelabs:
You go off the interstate with your three pals and explore the world
Derby in the fuckin desert, have a nice time
stop for coffee
find some redbull
normal game things
this is my last game going on GT, you can find my serious stuff elsewhere
peace yo
so when we ever go to a potluck my antistatic glare she always asks me did you remember to bring your coat and i say yes my bonespur and he says how long do we have to stay at this damn thing anyway and i tell them oh the next five thousand years hun this where they're gonna find us in the cold lava rock just ashes in a pocket of air and then just
they always
form into a ball and bark, dribbling butter all over the patio
cut to black, 1.1s
anyw** i made this ages ago from a time when i had time and it seemed like maybe if it were on the table then the potluck would look bigger, just by having another cling-wrapped platter, neverminding the food's expired, etc, by a few years, i
pilotwings 64 was a source of solace once now a fond memory, we were driven to build a new one to give someone else that solace in the age of turgid copyright golems and four or less types of AAA game but! of course it's hard, much too hard, and of course attention wanders, ghosts visit us for tea, little nothings crawl out of the floorboards and mumble softly around our shins and knees
i mean
this is all i've made to that end thus far and set down in the soft stinking clay of the internet
[ed. note: blinking/possible epilepsy warning on level 2. music credit goes to "Uncle Milk" via the recently-acquired Free Music Archive ( game may not work properly if not played fullscreen -- please send reports, though we can't guarantee that the author is still capable of fixing it, what with Unity versions having marched onward by years and months and weeks and evenings, unto the fabled land of Wild Things, sitting by a window, sadly pondering the duty of love, of incompatibilities in human needs, of how many breaths one might need to even finish this sentence good luck]