
Wertpol's picture

Olson's Journey 3


Where has Olson been? We don't know, except we do.
He was in an elevator, going up up up.
Was that his destination? I highly doubt it.

-Incredibly small game file
-Animations that blend in perfectly
-Men who are in the way
-Bus stop deprivation
-7 out of 4 people say it's good
-Olson is a wonderful fellow

Made For: 
An event
Wertpol's picture

Olson's Journey


Olson's Journey is the new masterpiece by the creators of Inception and bread.

Take part in Olson's Journey and discover vast landscapes.
Solve puzzles, tons and tons of puzzles
Be amazing
Like olson himself.

-Most longest game
-Enviromentally correct
-Hours and hours of gameplay
-You might just take forever to finish it if you don't figure out the puzzles
-So theoretically endless playtime for you
-Olson is a pretty man

Made For: 
An event
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