musical toy

clyde's picture

musical hors d'oeuvre

musical hors d'oeuvre.png

Drag and drop modular delectables.

Arrange a nice platter for your guests.

The Linux build is the html file.
Some of the sounds are from:

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Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

Fox Dance (for 3fox)


During a full moon, when all other animals are asleep, the fox spirits leave the forest and gather on the beach where they dance to the strange music which drifts from somewhere across the sea.


This is a musical toy type thing, kinda like electroplankton. It's an elaboration on this (which I didn't make):
You can control different groups of foxes and move them around a musical grid. When you give up control they will keep performing the movements you had them do.
You can make weird dissonant noise or things that are somewhat soothing and nice. Just play around and have fun!

Also, every time you restart the program you will get different sounds.


12/30 update: Changed the fox sprite; slightly changed the way the program works; added mouse controls; you can move diagonally now; fixed some bugs

Made For: 
An event
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