Revision of Yie-Ar Klik Fu 3: ElEkTrIk KuNgAlOo from Tue, 03/29/2011 - 04:45

Zecks's picture
Game File: 


-Twenty-one action filled battles!
-A thunderous midi soundtrack!
-A honest to god SHITTY brainfart impro dialogue because I only assed to write a small part of it.
-You making disgruntled facial expressions at the aforementioned dialogue!
-Fun times!
-Hope that it becomes funnier over time like all of my joke shit.

After nearly six months of on-and-ridiculously-off development,
I've finally finished something I didn't think I would.

It was all supposed to go down with that last joke game,
but it turns out that I still needed to be taught a lesson.
Get out there and finish the fight!! THIS IS THE LAST TIME!!!!

This was supposed to push the limits of KNP to the maximum with absolutely ludicrous
battle mechanics, unlike Kung Fu 2, which was pretty much about dodging flying shit
and mashing the attack button. I tried to go there, but neither of us couldn't handle it.
Instead what I have now is practically the same with more shit.
And the fucking thing still rules.

What are you waiting for?!

Overall, I learned some:
Mental Shenanigans
Drawing Consistency, so it's not really all a waste no matter what.

Made For: 
An event