What Do People Think All Day?

Game File: 

I used the Glorious Weekend of ZZT Blitzkrieg-a-thon! as a chance to experiment, and this is what I ended up with. It's an art-thing rather than a game. It's incomplete and a little offbeat. It may not be your cup of tea, but I do hope you find it interesting.

Quantum P.
Made For: 
An event


dessgeega's picture

this is pretty! there's a

this is pretty! there's a pretty strong sense of motion in a lot of these pictures, and i like the car wheels spinning in mid-air over the bridge.

Pizza Time's picture

I'll admit that I edited the

I'll admit that I edited the code for the wheels to make them spin slower because what's a car jumping over a bridge if it isn't in slow motion. Good job though, I really liked this.

commodore's picture

Yes! Animated story book! It

Yes! Animated story book! It made me chuckle. There's one board where one block of text is superimposed over four colors and it's hard to read, but otherwise it was good fun, much like the books were there's a lot to see in a scene so you could linger on the graphics.

Wow, well executed QP.

Wow, well executed QP. You're really one of the most well-rounded ZZTers. Would love to see some levels injected in here. Well narrated and beautiful art. I love that font.

jakellyHAH's picture

Ignore this

I really want to play this, but it keeps quitting whenever I move more than two spaces in game. I am on a mac, could that be causing the problem?

thesycophant's picture

This is really cool. If you

This is really cool. If you believe enough in this to keep working on it (which I think you should), you should keep us posted here about it. Cinema/art boards are pretty standard ZZT fare, but this visual storybook is pretty special.