This is a semi-sequel to SquarePusher by anne laplantine. A few of the mechanics have been simplified or altered so as to more closely resemble similar ones in increpare's English Country Tune.
R - restart puzzle.
Arrows - move yourself.
Esc - exit.
In this game, all of the levels are in easily editable text files. The symbols are as follows:
# - walls. These determine the scale of the viewport when you play the level.
@ - you. You can have multiples of yourself.
> - exit. All of them must be covered by yourself to win.
, - white tile. Plant on all of them to win.
. - check tile.
+ - weed.
O - egg. All of these must be in a basket to win.
X - basket.
Feel free to play the levels in any order.
This is a less ambitious remake of OmniLudiCon. Guide Suzy the Ninja to all of the fruit and gold in levels of your creation! Make an entire platform game in just one second with this innovative editor which contains only one game element, thus saving you the necessity of working out a level design for yourself.
Six sample levels included!
Left, right - Stride.
Z - Jump.
Up - Climb walls.
Z + left/right - Wall-jump.
In celebration of the 25th, I have crafted 25 mini-levels to jump through!
I went waaaay overtime on this.
MMF2 has really lousy performance when it comes to rotating/scaling sprites in software rendering.
Shift jumps.
Hold Shift to jump higher, and to bounce higher off the note blocks.
Don't leave any edge of the screen.
Don't hit any Spinies.
Grab the Super Mushroom. If there are coins, grab them first. Then the Super Mushroom will appear.
You can bounce upward off the top corners of the note blocks.
You can go to any number level by typing that number into the File -> Password dialog.
The "Ow, that really huuurht!" voice clip was by Malefact. Sorry.
Edit: You might want to install the "Arcade" font to play this, but it's totally optional.