someone goes to the store and has a crisis of faith
arrows keys
space to skip cootscene
OH NO! an evil wizard has ENSORCLED you and your three friends! now all four of you move as a single unit! can you and your friends work together to get through this dastardly GAUNTLET?
player 1: Q
player 2: Z
player 3: M
player 4: U
press SPACE to make all characters fire!
if you've only got two players, each player controls two characters!
nordic "jeepform" role-playing games are designed to encourage players to violate one another's boundaries, and the boundaries of the game itself, by forcing the players into uncomfortably personal territory. JEEPFORMER is an attempt to bring that dynamic into a klik & play game. as such, you'll need a partner - preferably someone who knows you well. a best friend or sexual partner is ideal!