
fotocopiadora's picture

VIDEOPULP: Super Carty™'s Dread


VIDEOPULP: Super Carty(tm)'s Dread

by Mariken S. and fotocopiadora



Video games.... are they just garbage?

From the creator of the award winning BINKY series and the maker of Muscle World (featured in PC Gamer, whoever they are?) comes a new video game based on real world events. Please make use of the supplemental material provided in the folders to immerse yourself in the world of truthful information and fully understand what it means to be VIDEOPULP. Thank you and "veel geluk"!



WASD/Arrow Keys - move
Mouse+Left Click - navigate menus
Numbers 1 Through 0 - it's a secret



- Press SPACE(?) during the introduction sequence to make it go faster
- Be careful not to breach copyright law
- Books contain important information



- Samples from James Ferraro - KFC City 3099
- Samples from Ishikawa Kozue - Boss Fight (W*rio Land 3)
- Samples from Super M*rio 64
- Club Nintendo Extra article translated from Dutch by @gamegeschied
- Text from Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus



- Pedro Paiva for making M*rio Empalado
- @gamegeschied for translating the article and uploading many pictures of M*rio mascot
- Supper Mario Broth for posting M*rio mascot with steamroller


Mariken S. and fotocopiadora
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
gisbrecht's picture

Contract of Faust


Contract of Faust

WARNING for Self Harm

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
gisbrecht's picture

Paradise Lost, Book I, Lines 242-270

768 themostamazingimage.png

Its a nongame! its a school assignment! have mercy!
I wanted to see how interactive fiction could imitate the spacing of how a poem is printed.

Made For: 
An event
mcc's picture

Devil's Chord

Screen shot 2012-11-17 at 8.20.28 PM.png

I spent today making this, for some reason. Then I realized there was a KOTM today. I am retroactively declaring this a KOTM project. It makes music. Illegal music. Diabolic music. Okay, by that I actually just mean there are tritones involved.

Source code:

Decoder ring:

Click a ring to increase pitch by one semitone
Right-click (or shift-click) a ring to decrease pitch by one semitone
Ctrl-click a ring to disable or enable it
Left and right arrow keys to speed and slow the alternator
R key: Reset everything
B key: Reset alternator, leave notes unaffected
Number keys: Load notes: (1) Tritones (2) Tritones [shifted up 3] (3) Tritones [descending] (4) Tritones plus tritones shifted up 3 (5) Hum (6) Higher hum (7) High buzzing (8) Pentatonic scale (9) Major chord (0) Liz's chord

Mac and Windows versions included.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
thesycophant's picture

Devil Disco Dancer!


Dance your way to the ending! Press 'X' to jump! Collect computers to get points! Avoid pitchforks! If your score drops below zero, you'll have to start over. The game is different EVERY TIME YOU PLAY IT.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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