
netgrind's picture

SSSnake (Hidden Trap)

SSSnake (Hidden Trap)ss.png

Guess which one is safe, the wrong choice makes the pill dangerous.

Made For: 
An event
JonathanWhiting's picture

Secret Snake


Snake is secretive. Change direction for glipses of its position.

Jonathan Whiting
Made For: 
An event
netgrind's picture

SSSnake (Disguised)

SSSnake (Disguised)[v2]ss.png

Some of the dots are fake, try to eat the real one

Made For: 
An event

The Hunt for The Hunt for Red October


After a busy day at the pencil inspection factory you come home to find all your light bulbs are out. But you REALLY want to watch The Hunt For Red October! So the search for your dvd begins!

Arrow keys to move, esc to quit.

Adrian Gordon
Made For: 
An event
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