
gisbrecht's picture

Kitteys Fruit (BETA) feat. Dizzy and Heavy


I met some friends in April and we made some art for a game!!

this is a beta version... music and other stuff will be added later!!!

art by mariken, dizzy and heavy
dizzy's twitter -
heavy's website - (to be added)

This is Kitteys Fruit --
get the fruit, get the high score, be the kittey.

controls --
any key - next frame in introductions
arrow keys - move
spacebar - dash move, become invulnerable for a short amount of time. watch your energy meter!

special thanks --
sylvie for typing the word kittey a lot

Mariken, Dizzy and Heavy
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

lost in the blue wild frontier of heavens door: i'm knocking but can't get in yet - a flight sim for tired people

screen shot.png

a game about being a tiny plane in the middle of a huge sky

you can press buttons to move your plane. other things will move too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you're wondering if there's more to the game - there isn't! just relax and enjoy.

music by: me
plane grafx by: me

other stuff by: people on google

Made For: 
An event
TeamQuiggan's picture

Plane Crazy


Use the power of the wind to defend your little island from interlopers!

arrow keys to control the wind!

Made For: 
An event
ElSockMonkey's picture

Military Flight 749


A top-down plane flying game. Fairly simple. Enemies are varied and interesting. Health, score, and boss.

I spent too much time on this.

Made For: 
An event
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