
qrleon's picture

Jump on a Judge 2: Bring Anarchy to the Land


Jump on the judges. It's what you do best.

Made For: 
An event
the_muteKi's picture



Hopefully it won't be the case that you got served.
By the way this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Vectrex; I just like dumb jokes.

Arrows left/right, shift to jump (default Construct 2 controls)

Made For: 
An event
thesycophant's picture

Vector the Crocodile Wants a Lot of Rings


Vector the Crocodile is in an old abandoned fortress full of rings. He wants these rings! A lot of them! The game has THREE EXCITING ENDINGS depending on how many rings Vector gets.

(Press X to jump!)

(Press up to go through the red door when you're done!)

The Vector sprite is courtesy of Yuski. Thank you, Yuski!

Made For: 
An event

A Walk Down The Shops


It's time to walk down the shops. What could possibly go wrong? I mean, other than the shops being shut.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event



This seems like a simple jumping game, but these platforms have some kind of trick to them! Some of them will move, some of them will turn. Watch their colours and don't get caught off-guard.

Here's a bit of trivia: it's taken me 1.5 hours just to upload and write descriptions for my Klik of the Month Klub #50 games. Clearly I have underprepared for this arduous occasion.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
jonbro's picture


Screen shot 2011-02-19 at 9.38.46 PM.png

First time using flixel, first time using AS3.

Ripped hella hard on adam atomics sprites, but made my own horrible fire sprite. The end, that was fun, thanks everyone.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event



Windows and OS X builds included in one zip file.

This is a grayscale adventure. Jump through the strange trouble-infested badlands in search of coins! Avoid the tiny elephants! Don't leap on the roly-roly's spikes!

Hit the mysterious question mark blocks to make something surprising happen! You might get a coin... or you MIGHT awaken the vengeful sky gods. Keep your wits about you!

It's procedurally generated, which means new surprises on different play-throughs!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Climb Stairs To Find Key


Climb stairs to find key. Left and right to move, spacebar to jump.

Made in Flash using the flixel engine. Play it online here: http://ludoko.com/games/piratekart/

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
qrleon's picture

Jump on a Judge


Realistic simulation of the real (really real) sport.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Malefact's picture

Space Jumper

Space Jumper.PNG

Try to reach the STAR by using your magical SPACE JUMP! But mind your JUMP POWER - you wouldn't want to collide with any SPACE SPIKES!

I have a bad feeling this idea may have been done before

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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