A tribute to a couple of my favourite games Earth Defense Force and Destroy Your Home.
Made this with the same photos I used in My Hosue RPG.
Think i might make something in MMF with the Unity scene I've made too, but we'll see.
Drive a car in a carpark and also in a dream.
Use the 'W', 'A', 'S', and 'D' keys to move, and the mouse to move the camera.
Use 'Esc' to reset, 'Del' to quit, 'M' to toggle music, and 'L' to toggle the main light.
I prefer playing with the light and music off, but all versions are official dream cannon.
If your Unity 3D is up to date there's a new, free, beta version of the 'standard assets' in the Unity shop. Search for 'sample assets'. It includes car things.
For the makers of Crypt Worlds.
An attempt to make a space where each action has a marked and legible effect on the world, and which effects the rules of that world.
My first submission for the 'Build me a performance space' event. I wanted to make something more dangerous than the other spaces I've experimented with. At the bottom of the (bottomless) world there are another two performance spaces in the same style as the other ones I've made, though here you are deciding what objects are there to play with by you interaction with the larger space.