
everythingstaken's picture

"I don't like Mondays" or "Who Really is the Cookiest Ghost in the Land?" or "Third time's the charm"


This is the first game in RPG Maker or RPG Maker 2003 that I ever made! I watched a bunch of tutorials and they told me to make this game, so here it is!

Tell me if you have any problems running this game.

Have fun!

Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Maze of Darkness


You are trapped in a room with a bunch of odd monsters. You must scare them and navigate a maze to figure your way out, if there is a way out!

Edit: The bottom maze is a little bit different now. 8-)

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Made For: 
everythingstaken's picture

Musi Panda


if you press 1 and 2 you can switch between the editor and the panda

editor instructions
press keys a-h to create different notes
press backspace to delete notes


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Made For: 
An event

Cat Party


This game is about a cat party. Use your skills and intuition to avoid getting stuck inside walls and have a good time at the party.

Made For: 
An event
Wertpol's picture

Continarian Hills


You find yourself trapped in another world.
Vast landscapes. The Continarian Hills are your salvation.
Seek the path, seek the path.
Solve the math, seven two eight nine

-Amazing continuation to 'Erizonian Hills'
-Has an elevator
-That works most of the time
-Be careful
-Find secrets
-'Absolutely stunning' - Jennifer Lopez
-'Better than Dear Esther I guess' - Prolific manual labourer

WhOeVeR fInDs ThE tWo SeCrEtS gEtS a FrEe PiCtUrE oF a SkIn CaRe PrOdUcT(Muhammad isn't one of them)

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Mushroom Maze


Is there no escape from Mushroom Maze?

(There is no escape from Mushroom Maze)

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Johny L.'s picture

Atrium (DEMO)


My first ZZT game i'm working on.

Story (this is 80% not mentioned in the game):
You are the smiley face who is the protagonist of ZZT (Zoo of Zero Tolerance), you are heard in the news that criminal people who are part of the gigantic prison dungeon place named Atrium, are kidnapping people and taking them to the dungeon, thus he prepares to survive, but the criminals were genius so they figured out who the smiley is hiding, then he got kidnapped and taken to the Atrium, you are then forced to be a slave, but accidentaly the criminals gave you ammo, they runned away. Then you're up to escape the dungeon, however, you're approached with 100 floors, which appears to be a endless dungeon, are you gonna escape it, or be punished?

The demo contains one set of 10 stages of full challenges while the full versions contains 10 sets of 10 stages with more challenges, more fun and more madness.

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Made For: 
An event



Your friend from school is trapped in the warp maze......

Arrow keys move, press down while on a warp to warp.

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Made For: 
An event
TranceTrance's picture

Quest for the Pixel Princess


You, the Golden Knight, must rescue the Pixel Princess from the clutches of the evil Red Guard. They have built a cunning maze to protect the princess from the grubby paws of Knights (of any color, for that matter). Will you succeed, with the help of magic Potions hidden in the maze...?

( The Red Guard's War Drums are CC BY-NC-ND 3.0, so be prepared oh valiant Knight! Lore says it was contrived by a wizard of sorts, )

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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