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Aplsos's picture

3D Skull Engine

Game File: 

this wasn't a good weekend for an event, between mother's day and having other shit to take care of. the plan was to pump out as many no-effort trash games as possible, but as usual found myself incapable of not spending time polishing things. worked on:
title screen and introductory art board for 'interstellar garbage-eating muscle pigs,' but i liked the concept enough to want to do more than what i had time for, so i put it off for later.
'3d skull engine,' a stupid injoke. probably the closest to the sort of thing i originally evisioned.
title screen, art board, and two gameplay boards for 'dracula's night in.'
then it got uncomfortably warm and i didn't feel like sitting in front of a computer any longer. i may come back to dracul & the pigs, but i rarely finish anything that takes longer than a half-hour to complete, so

Made For: 
An event
Johny L.'s picture

Open teh KnP files in MMF2

I found out how you can play a KnP game in Windows 7 (this also works for older OS), you have KnP game files while you have MMF2. You know that MMF2 is backwards compatibility and can import/open Klik n Play files, The Games Factory and Multimedia Fusion 1. Just drag and drop the .gam file on the program and then the program will import it.
It's easy.
I use it everytime because i like viewing game sources.

Kate B's picture

Last Game of the Year 2020 (Last GOTY 2020)

Game File: 

they said it couldn't be done...... But it was! despite trying to talk myself out of it, I did it!

First Game: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11379
Second Game: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11750

A hidden object game. It's scaled down from the previous one, but there's still plenty here

Made For: 
An event
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