it's not actually space invaders

sergiocornaga's picture

$1.3 Game


$1.3 Game (pronounced one point three dollar game) is the first completed sequel to $13 Game following a couple of aborted attempts. It was made for One Hour Game Jam #175 (Theme: Charge) but actually took me slightly over 2 hours to make. It uses one button: spacebar.

Made For: 
An event

Earth Invaders

Earth Invaders Trainwreck.png

Earth Invaders is supposed to be a reverse Space Invaders where you control the aliens. But I wasn't able to implement all the features in the time limit.

As such, I'm not sure if this is an utter failure or a very glorious trainwreck indeed.

Use the space bar to stop the aliens.
Press R to reset the game.

Made For: 
An event
the_muteKi's picture



Shoot the X and 2 Xs will take its place. Basically, exactly what it says on the tin.

Trying to add more commentary about the game here would just be freaking insulting.

Made For: 
An event
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