Type "Two Hours" as many times as possible in two hours. Not fun. Flashing colors warning. PC/Mac/Linux.
Spambot roams the internet wastelands until a chance meeting occurs.
UPDATED VERSION: now with two different enemy types and sound...
Players compete to make their spider climb up my nose. Use your spider fingers alternating from out-to-in to make the spider climb the fastestest.
Use dark scorcery to achieve the highest score possible without allowing it to crush you.
Everyone knows that the earth is flat. But some people just won't believe it! Teach them the truth by pushing them into the abyss, before they can reach your scientific papers!
Use arrow keys to move the scientist.
Made in Processing in February for SoS's nanoLD challenge ("build a game in 48 minutes"), but took something like 3 hours. Source included.
by Eli Brody
simple vaguely artsy game coming from messing around with my usual physicsy circles and forgetting to clear the screen....
you're the white tendril. try to stay at full size by avoiding getting hit by the other tendrils. In 30 seconds, check your score!
Hurrah, I actually finished in two hours this time.
In this game we are pursued by monsters and we have no weapons. Fortunately, we do have a lantern and the monsters are averse to light.
Even more fortunately, I didn't have time to implement collision detection, and as a consequence the monsters can't actually hurt us.
aim flashlight
use flashlight
I'll probably upload a slightly more playable version in the near future.