
Fun With The Boys


this is basically me messing around with a guitar slide i got for christmas, put over a recording of my apartment that i messed with in audacity. there were lyrics but i felt the song worked better as an instrumental, so i mixed them weird so they'd be part of the ambiance.


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spiral's picture

alphabet prototype

Screenshot from 2022-04-25 14-21-23.png

alphabet prototype

by nikki whom bee

ATTENTION: the audio in this prototype can be loud, so I recommend turning your volume down before playing, to avoid being startled. also, the graphics may be hard on your eyes, so please quit if it's causing you any irritation.

this was an experimental prototype I made 3 years ago meant to try a few different things at once. possibly the most interesting to me, and unfortunately the biggest issue, was using a generative sound extension, by Looki, that I found on a Clickteam forum somewhere. it works great and can make some really wild audio pieces with little effort. unfortunately, it seems to *only* work in Clickteam's editor itself. the game crashes if I try to build it as an exe. so, this version of the game has pre-compiled sound effects that I think are good.

if you are interested in seeing what the generated audio can be like, and own a copy of Clickteam Fusion 2.5, check out the "dev version" folder included here!

- launch "_.exe"
- you don't have to do anything at the intro, but you could try
- once the prototype has begun, move with the arrow keys or wasd
- you can resize the window by the maximize button or dragging an edge
- finish the prototype by demonstrating mastery of language
- upon reaching a finished state, the prototype will close automatically
- you can also press Escape to quit early

Code: me
Graphics: Clickteam
Extensions Used:
Named Variable Object by z33z
Sound Generator by Looki
Sound Player by Looki
SFX: made from Sound Generator, edited in Audacity
Music: a midi I processed in OpenMPT, I don't remember what it was though

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gisbrecht's picture

ΓͰ‖Π|: (Asemic Game)


15TH Anniversary GAME 2 / ??

Demo of a game never finished. I thought it interesting so here it is.
asemic means without meaning. I wanted a whole rpg no one could read

Arrows - move
R - reset level
N - next frame

Maze code by everythingstaken
animations by gisbrecht

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Made For: 
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rosden's picture



This started as an experiment to see what different movement speeds would feel like. But for some reason I decided to take it further than that and made this.

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An event

Small adventure for the Master Climber


Ok so to play this game, what you are going to want to do is copy the text below:

#%              %#
#%              %#
##              ##
##              ##
##              ##
##              ##
#P               #
####          ####
#  #          #  #
#  #          ####
####   !  !   #  #
#  #          ####
#  #          #  #
#  #   !  !   #  #
#  #          ####
####          #  #
#  #   !  !   ####
#  #   #  #   #  #

P = Player
# = Brick
% = Box
! = Spring
. = JumpingSpring

// List syntax
ThingsThatFall = [ Player JumpingSpring ]

Sproingy = [ Spring JumpingSpring ]

// Accelerate down, like gravity. On everything in the list
{ ThingsThatFall } -> { DOWN ThingsThatFall }

// Move sideways with <LEFT> and <RIGHT> arrow keys
{ <HORIZONTAL> Player } -> { HORIZONTAL Player }

// Move up while pressing against a wall
HORIZONTAL { Player | Wall } -> { UP Player | Wall }

// Springs are Sproingy
DOWN { DOWN ThingsThatFall | Sproingy } -> { JUMP ThingsThatFall | JUMP JumpingSpring }
DOWN { DOWN JumpingSpring | Wall } -> { JUMP JumpingSpring | Wall }

// Win if touch box
{ Player | Box } -> { WIN Player | Box }

And paste it into here: https://waynetron.github.io/micro-gg/

And then click the "play" button on the top-right.

micro gg is the work of @WaynePetzler. Here's the tweet that made me find out about it.

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Dazzle is about getting lost in someone's mind.
Inspired by dazzle camouflage.

Created with Hector Bonte​ (music & sounds)

06/02/2019 .+++

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Trouv's picture

The Intracycle

Diagram Intracycle.png

Hey all, I finally wrote up some stuff about The Intracycle, my big ol' experimental physical game thing that was at Baby Castles. The itch link has a pretty serious description as well as some images (along with a ruleset!) which I encourage you to take a look at if you're interested. I won't bother copy/pasting that description here. Hopefully I will be able to get The Intracycle out into the real world some more soon. Let me know what you think of the idea!

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fcastello's picture

It Came From The Sky


Just a botched attempt to replicate a dream into game form.

Arrow keys - move
Space - jump

Fernando Aires Castello
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mkapolk's picture

Coincident Spaces

Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 11.32.06 AM.png

Just a neat little experiment about being in two places at once.

Made For: 
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Sprocket's picture

Sadness: The Game


You have to rescue the head of Noah from the inner back chamber of a giant hunchback. A pretty anxious game created over a few hours. Probably only notable for the sound design. Play with headphones in a darkened room, if you please. Much love.

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Made For: 
An event
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