existential crisis

sergiocornaga's picture

Ms. Pac-Man Without a Cause


where have all the moving fruit gone

where has my life gone


Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Happy New Year's Eve Rylie James Thomas: 2015, Heaven versus Hell.


"HPY NYE RJT: 2015, HvH" for short.

This is for Rylie James Thomas.

All of the stuff on your list is in there somewhere cuz you've been a nice this year.

The biggest suggestion's influence was the "not being at computer", so I made it so you can sort of leave the game on and stuff can still happen. The big thing I made was a system so the car can turn corners automatically and it can take you wherever you want.

I also took another hint from Rylie's philosophy about having music in games. There's only one song and SPOILER: It's in the Circle K.

Wow, I just realized because of how scaling works in MMF2, if the screen is scaled differently then the dialogue boxes do not work. I will sometime later make a version of this game where there aren't dialogue boxes, but something else like clickable word art or something. :( So, basically that means this game has to be played in 1280 x 1024 and up.

New Edit:
I edited a few things so some narrative parts are more clear. :)

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Santa Without a Claus


merry chistmas

((name changed thanks to Smedis2 who is smarter than me))

Made For: 
An event
atuun's picture

Existential Fishing Simulation


Be a depressed medieval dude and try to catch fish! Move the boat left and right with the arrow keys to find that perfect spot where the fish are biting! Wait, you might say: what are the rod casting controls? There are none... possibly because the act of fishing is inherently absurd?!?!?!

Music by Erik Satie and performed by Pierre Laniau.

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Pac-Man Without a Cause


where have all the dots gone

where has my life gone


((update: version for 64-bit windows))

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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