
Healy's picture

The Star Festival, and other Winter Excitements

Hey guys! It's been a while. I sorta lost my game-making mojo this month, but I still managed to finish up a pretty short Knytt Stories level. It's called The Star Festival, and it's about a Yuletide Knytt festival suspiciously similar to Christmas. It was originally made for a level competition on the Nifflas forums, but I ran way late with it. No screenshots because I'm feeling lazy.

ALSO: I submitted a game to the 7th Annual New Years Mini-comp, called You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle. It's pretty much what you would expect. Hope to see you guys again soon!

Healy's picture

Birthday Trainwreck Surprise!

September 25 is my birthday, and I thought I'd celebrate by making another hit game in the "You Have to Put the Noun in the Other Noun" series! Turns out I was an hour late with it (over here, anyway), but whatever. Comes with the source code for the original "You Have to Put the Ball in the Cup" game, which is the template for nearly all of SoftSoft's incredible games! I am going to stipulate that it is alright for non-commercial derivative use (but why would you want to sell this?!?), as long as you clearly mark that it is a fangame.

Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Post in the Forum: A new SoftSoft game

noun_in_noun cover.png

I made this game to celebrate my 1,000th post on some message board I frequent too much. It's basically just a dumb in-joke, but maybe you guys will like it as well?

Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Candy Cane in the Stocking: A Christmas game

Merry Christmas, everyone! As a sort of Christmas present to you all, I'd like to share a Christmas-themed trainwreck with you all. It's yet another variation on You Have to Put the Ball in the Cup, only this time, you have to put a candy cane in a stocking. Very different. Anyway it's a text adventure/interactive fiction game so you'll need an interpreter to play blah blah blah. I think most of you know how these things work by now so I'll spare you the details.

(Also if you are looking for a sincere Christmas game instead of a joke one, I made this thingy a couple years back.)

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