interactive fiction

NatQuayleNelson's picture

Stream of Pretentiousness Season 2


Hey all! In the last few weeks I've revived a project I was posting about here a year ago:
Stream of Pretentiousness

It's daily vignettes about my life (interactive non-fiction, if you will). I'm calling this Season 2 because last year I was making them in Twine, and this time I'm experimenting with other open-source engines for making hypertext stories. So yeah!

Healy's picture

Christmas in June-ly: A (failed) Gravity Falls game

gravi_falls_canned story map.png

Happy Soos's birthday, everybody! To celebrate, have this, an unfinished Gravity Falls twine game I started for Yuletide one year. It's about Stan and Mabel and Dipper and their crummy made-up holiday. It's an unfinished piece of junk, but I decided to upload it anyway because, well, because...

Emily Short hosted a game jam recently called Bring Out Your Dead, where you uploaded long-dead WIPs and experiments in the hopes that someone else could learn from them. The concept really interested me, and since this was the most well-formed WIP I had that I'd likely never finish, I figured it wouldn't hurt to try something out with it. I took the old, unfinished game and added some commentary to it, usually to point out its flaws, but sometimes to discuss Gravity Falls for a bit (or point out a line I liked). It's a very short game, and probably would have been even if it were completed; I only completed one ending, and the other two branches cut off suddenly. Still, I hope you get something out of it, even if it's just "Don't do what I did here, kids."

(Sergio, my man: I have gotten your message, and while I haven't worked on my Knytt Swap lately, I'll probably block out some time for it next weekend. For reasons.)

Healy's picture

The Star Festival, and other Winter Excitements

Hey guys! It's been a while. I sorta lost my game-making mojo this month, but I still managed to finish up a pretty short Knytt Stories level. It's called The Star Festival, and it's about a Yuletide Knytt festival suspiciously similar to Christmas. It was originally made for a level competition on the Nifflas forums, but I ran way late with it. No screenshots because I'm feeling lazy.

ALSO: I submitted a game to the 7th Annual New Years Mini-comp, called You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle. It's pretty much what you would expect. Hope to see you guys again soon!

Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Post in the Forum: A new SoftSoft game

noun_in_noun cover.png

I made this game to celebrate my 1,000th post on some message board I frequent too much. It's basically just a dumb in-joke, but maybe you guys will like it as well?

Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Candy Cane in the Stocking: A Christmas game

Merry Christmas, everyone! As a sort of Christmas present to you all, I'd like to share a Christmas-themed trainwreck with you all. It's yet another variation on You Have to Put the Ball in the Cup, only this time, you have to put a candy cane in a stocking. Very different. Anyway it's a text adventure/interactive fiction game so you'll need an interpreter to play blah blah blah. I think most of you know how these things work by now so I'll spare you the details.

(Also if you are looking for a sincere Christmas game instead of a joke one, I made this thingy a couple years back.)

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