
whoiam's picture

Castle Powerup Jump

Castle Powerup Jump.png

Jump around and get upgrades to your movement.
Press Up or A to Jump,
hold for a longer jump,
also you can double jump.

Press Left Right to Move

and Press S to shoot to destroy cracked blocks when you have the red power.

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Terror Cave


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Spike Snakes


Avoid the spike snakes.

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!!!!!! - The Game That Appears First In Alphabetical Listings


This is just like VVVVVV, except when you press the "flip gravity" button, everything else flips gravity instead of you. I know there's probably ten or twenty games out there that use similar mechanics, but the only one that comes to mind at the moment is LIMBO. And even then it more commonly used electromagnets instead of gravity.

The player-character is inspired by this webcomic.

Arrows - move.
X - Jump.
C - Flip gravity.

Leon Arnott
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cld's picture

Long Jump of DOOM


A really, really stupid long jump simulator I put together in Flixel. Made in two hours (+1 for the doodles/sprites; sorry, I cheated). See my other less crappy stuff at hellocld.com


P.S.: For those into that source code stuff, snag it here: http://hellocld.com/files/games/LongJumpOfDoom/LongJumpOfDoomSRC.zip

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Danger Quad


An arcade-type game inspired by NS-Shaft, and possibly Gunstar Heroes.

As Fleetfoot Fuller, danger-face-laugher and gravity-obeyer extraordinaire, you must survive in the descending shaft of this perilous videogame temple! Drop from brick to brick, and keep your wits about you when gravity suddenly flips 90 degrees, sending you sideways!

There are two game modes - a one-player game with two difficulties, and a rushed two-player game where you can challenge a friend to play Carly the Snake Woman and see if they can outlast you! And there's only room on each brick for one player, so it pays to be swift and reckless.

Arrows - Fuller's controls.
WASD - Carly's controls.
Space - Switch gravity in two-player mode.

Leon Arnott
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Tombed Deluxe


Coding, art and audio by Auntie Pixelante.
Extra stuff by me.

This is a quick mod in which I merged Anna's good game Tombed and my hack Tombed II into the same game, and also providing a means of making your own levels for it. There's no editor yet, but you can use Notepad for now.

The way I did this was by exporting the level data into a very basic text file format.

The first line is "1" if you want left-right wraparound, or "0" if you don't.
The second line is "1" if you want bottom spikes ("skewers"), or "0" if you don't.
The third line is the line number where, when the top half of Jane enters, Jane does a victory dance.
The fourth line is the line number where the skewers, if any, start to break up.
Then there's at most 598 lines of text that are, at most, 8 characters long. Missing lines are assumed to be blank.
Each line corresponds to a row of blocks in the tomb. Each character equals one block.

# - metal block
B - blue block
G - green block
C - cyan block
O - wild block
! - upper-left corner of checkpoint where Jane respawns. Jane is 2 blocks by 2 blocks tall. Checkpoints trigger as soon as Jane reaches their Y position.
$ - non-solid gold (as in Tombed). Doesn't obey gravity.
* - solid gold that Jane can stand on. It obeys gravity and can sit on skewers, but is destroyed by spikes.
. - solid gold only appears here if Jane respawns near here. Use this to make gold persist from checkpoint to checkpoint.
@ - the upper-left corner of the 'debug point'. Jane will start a new game here without the opening cutscene, and with the spikes and skewers lowered appropriately. She will also respawn here regardless of any checkpoints.
Anything else - emptiness.

At the 'victory' line, Jane will do a victory dance until she is made to start falling again (which can be instantly).

At the 'breakup' line, the skewers will start to stick to blocks that happen to be underneath them, causing the floor to open so that Jane can exit.

Jane wins by falling below the 598th line.

As for the game - pick the left side to play Tombed, right to play Tombed II, and middle to get an Open File dialog to play any text file. (Note: no file error checking in this version yet.)

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dessgeega's picture

space marine visits a pet shop


a sequel to the acclaimed SPACE MARINE GROCERY SHOPPING. this time, our hero wishes to adopt a kitten ... from an animal shelter full of spikes! our hulking hero had better be delicate around those kitties and puppies!

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Noggin Quest


The fairy from my previous game Catatoniac has returned to make amends for that trainwreck of an adventure. This time she's helping the victim of an execution get out of her poor situation, by clicking and dragging to throw her severed head like a ball.

Two different endings! I think.

EDIT: Updated 28/10/11 with more shortcuts.

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This is a brief examination of the idea that Metroid II's unique ratio of player-character size to screen size is the key to its sinister, ominous mood.

Pilot the robot through the cavern of ceaseless horrors. Jump carefully to avoid the spikes.

Z - Jump
Left arrow - Trundle left
Right arrow - Trundle right

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